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Look Fear in the Eyes

By Christopher L., Grade 11
A brother of mine, who goes by the name of Anderson Trider, 他在九年级的时候告诉我这句话:“问一个问题,沉默一会儿,或者保持沉默,永远沉默.” At the time, I did not understand this quote. 我是一个不成熟的小男孩,不愿意走出自己的舒适区. Now, two years later, I understand what he meant.  
From Grade 7 to the end of Grade 9, I was constantly in fear – fear of asking questions, fear of speaking up, fear of judgment and, frankly, fear of being myself. This feeling held me back for so long. 我意识到,这些恐惧阻碍了我做自己,阻碍了我在这个我称之为家的地方感到舒适.  
我厌倦了生活在这种持续的恐惧状态中,这让我找到了我最亲爱的朋友之一. 我去找安德森,问他如何克服这种恐惧. It is a challenge he had himself at a younger age. 他给了我我需要听到的建议和技巧,帮助我成长为今天的我. 他给了我缺失的自信,改变了那些蒙蔽我的观点,让我有了一个更开放的视角.  What he did for me that day was truly outstanding, and to this day, I cannot be grateful enough to him for helping me break through it. 
Now, I do not want you all to think that fear just magically goes away; but I also do not want you all to think it is a permanent curse. 恐惧是由你的思想产生的,你有能力决定是否让它控制你. 在过去,我让它控制了我生活的方方面面,这让我对自己不满意. However, once you realize fear can be controlled, it becomes easier to deal with and eventually overcome. 
如果你们中有人正在经历任何让你感到恐惧的情况,我知道这是怎么回事. For example, I am currently scared out of this world standing before you all, since I struggle with public speaking. I know what it is like to be scared and in a state of fear. 然而,这是我给自己上的一课:如果你害怕做某事,那就害怕地去做. If you let your fear hold you back, 你不会充实地生活,也会阻止你利用机会.  
Personally, last year, I just needed a little push from Mr. Marino, positive words from Mr. 钱德勒在瓦尔·卡地亚的电梯上,我的同事说服我接下这个角色, 因为演讲是阻碍我申请级长的主要原因.  
我希望你们从这次演讲中记住一件事:恐惧是可以克服的. It is all about how you do it. For me, it was talking to others about it, owning up to it. It might not be the same for everyone. 对一些人来说,这可能是说话,而另一些人可能是练习让他们害怕的事情. However, at the end of the day, from an understanding point of view, I can assure you that no matter what your fear may be, you can overcome it.  
